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Many couples go through the painful experience of lacking a carnal lust for one another. At some stage of the relationship, the standard foreplay onto quick head and missionary doesn't carry the same weight as it once did. Things get dull, boring, the sex becomes lifeless. Whilst Australians are a generally culturally prudish bunch, this doesn't mean we cant give into the desire of prurience: Latin for "having an itching desire". This itching desire could be for toys, it could be for something more adventurous say, anal. Many couples find they have a desire to switch on the laptop and go to...

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app control, connection, fitness, innovation, remote control -

With the world revolving around technology, why not take advantage of the digital revolution to enhance your bedroom 'playtime'? Intimacy is transforming and bringing your smartphone into the bedroom is just another way to jump on board the new trend and ride it all the way to O-town. To help you, we've put together a list of our favourite sexy apps to keep you trembling with temptation.  iKarmasutra Lite  This app delivers the wisdom of the worlds infamous sex guide right to you pocket. With sex positions and tips overflowing across nine different categories, you will never be at a...

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